Audism Unveiled


Product Details


Ben Bahan, H-Dirksen Bauman, and Facundo Montenegro

Vimeo On Demand

57-minutes plus bonus materials

Item Number


Audism Unveiled

Audism - the notion that one is superior based on one's ability to hear or to behave in the manner of one who hears and speaks.

Audism Unveiled will help educate and spread the knowledge that the oppressed are not alone, and share a common bond with many others who have experienced it. It is also beneficial to educate yourself, by seeing the many faces of audism, and the deep emotional scars resulting from this discrimination. 

Bonus materials include directors' comments from Ben Bahan and H-Dirksen Bauman and additional scenes. For anyone who has experienced audism first-hand, this is YOUR story!

Teachers: This film is a wonderful tool for beginning ASL students, as an introduction to a side of Deaf culture that cannot be found in any textbook.

Subtitles available in English, Spanish and Canadian French.