About Us



DawnSignPress creates, develops, and publishes quality American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf culture-related videos and books. Dedicated to the principle that Deaf people are the natural experts regarding their language and culture, DawnSignPress wholeheartedly supports the efforts of Deaf people to document ASL, Deaf culture, history, heritage, and literature.

Over the last three decades the hearing world has become increasingly aware of American Sign Language and Deaf culture. By making an early commitment to developing materials for teaching ASL using up-to-date linguistic knowledge and incorporating video materials, DawnSignPress was able to help point the way in ASL education and Deaf studies.


DawnSignPress is still on the cutting edge of the educational, cultural, and social trends that affect Deaf and hard-of-hearing people. We remain committed to producing materials that raise the standards in education, break new ground in literature and the arts, and preserve the unique and rich contributions of Deaf people. Our eye to the future, DawnSignPress seeks out the top people in the fields who teach, serve, and entertain the signing community.

We welcome inquiries or feedback about our company's mission, products, and operations.

Please contact us here.

Featured on Discovery Channel's INNOVATIONS series for cutting-edge educational, cultural, and social trends in the Deaf world and providing some of the best ASL and Deaf culture materials available in the marketplace. Watch our clip here!

Meet the staff of DSP!

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